
a website is an aggregation of related web pages and multimedia content clubbed under a single domain name and present on at least one web server. After a visitor reaches the landing page, he or she should ideally be motivated to browse the rest of the website. Websites come in many forms, and some of the common ones are as follows:

Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS is a web application that allows users to create, modify or remove digital content. Its typical features include a provision to search for and retrieve content files by using the right keywords, revision control to make and track changes to content, and templates and wizards to create and edit pieces of content. WordPress is widely regarded as one of the best content management systems available, along with Drupal, Joomla, and ExpressionEngine.

Company website

this kind of website is designed to inform the reader about the company, its services and products, its achievements, testimonials received, resources, blogs, career opportunities, upcoming events, press releases, and other pertinent information. Most businesses have a dedicated company website that users can visit for an overview of what the business does.

News portal

This is a website designed for systematically aggregating information and updates from various sources such as online forums, search engines, blogs, and emails. BBC News is one of the most respected news portals of today.


Tnternet forum acts like an online discussion platform where people interact with one another by posting messages that can be viewed by all following a particular topic. Reddit and Tumblr are two of the most popular discussion forums online.


These websites are designed to showcase the creations of an individual or company. Portfolios can include writing samples, paintings, photographs, music compositions, advertisements or any other work sample. Website builders like Wix, Weebly and Behance enable users to build their personalised portfolio.

Education websites

These are designed to assist visitors with acquiring skills or knowledge through the help of videos, documents or online courses, often with a link to an online exam to test their learning. Coursera, Udacity, and Udemy are the best-known education websites available today.

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