Landing page


In the context of online marketing, a landing page is a single web page that a user reaches after clicking on an online advertisement or a search engine optimised result. It is also referred to as a ‘destination page’ or a ‘lead capture page’, as it is typically the web page a business would want to redirect its potential customers to. Landing pages are usually designed with the objective of converting visitors into leads or sales. For this reason, a good landing page typically contains one or more of the following elements:

Business resume

For those visitors who are entirely new to the website and/or the business, a section describing who the business is and what they do to help customers is a useful component to have on the landing page

Selling single products/services

if the business wants to focus on selling one flagship product or service the landing page can include a link whereby visitors can quickly buy it or subscribe to it.

Call-to-action (CTA)

This is perhaps the most critical section of the landing page. This is the invitation to the visitor to do whatever the business wants him or her to do upon reaching the landing page – subscribing to a newsletter, browsing a product catalogue, downloading a whitepaper and so on.

Events section

A slideshow or static panel featuring upcoming events hosted or sponsored by the business can arouse the interest of the page visitor, especially by including links to pages where visitors can sign up for or buy tickets to those events.

Raising money

Landing page can be designed as a call for donations to a cause, with a link that allows visitors to directly donate the amount of their choice.

Business Support

You can build a single landing page describing your business in a nutshell to find community support for your idea or get funding sources to help you start

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